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Our Policies & Terms

unleashing our clients’ potential by maximising the innovation.

About Us

ConfiDate’s purpose is to provide safety, security, and added confidence to users who frequently utilize dating apps and online dating to meet new friends and romantic partners.

Cypromus is the creator of the ConfiDate App. This young technology company creates fun language apps, food apps, and security apps. The founder and CEO is Dr. Victoria Zhong, a Vietnamese American entrepreneur who has a doctorate in education and technology. Cypromus aims to develop intuitive technology that is groundbreaking, novel, and practical.

ConfiDate is created with women’s safety and security in mind. The word ConfiDate is a combination of Confident and Date. Our goal is to help women feel more confident when they meet their date for the first time in real life. Knowing that they have a powerful yet simple tool at their disposal that will send an urgent message to their pre-programmed contact, (e.g. mom, dad, sister, or bestie), they can feel more at ease and spend quality time getting to know their date. If there are problems, the easy-to-use voice-triggered alarm system will send an urgent message with GPS current location included to pre-programmed contacts.

Terms and Conditions

By creating a Confidate account, whether through a mobile device, mobile application or computer (collectively, the “Service”) you agree to be bound by (I) these Terms of Use, (ii) our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Safety Tips, and safety Guidelines, each of which is incorporated by reference into this Agreement, and (iii) any terms disclosed and agreed to by you if you purchase additional features, products or services we offer on the Service (collectively, this “Agreement”). If you do not accept and agree to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement, please do not use the Service. We may make changes to this Agreement and to the Service from time to time. We may do this for a variety of reasons including to reflect changes in or requirements of the law, new features, or changes in business practices. The most recent version of this Agreement will be posted on the Service under Settings and on our app, and you should regularly check for the most recent version. The most recent version is the version that applies. If the changes include material changes to your rights or obligations, we will notify you in advance of the changes by reasonable means, which could include notification through the Service or via email. If you continue to use the Service after the changes become effective, then you agree to the revised Agreement.


You must be at least 18 years of age to create an account on Confidate and use the Service. By creating an account and using the Service, you represent and warrant that you can form a binding contract with Confidate, that you will comply with this Agreement and all applicable local, national and international laws, rules and regulations, and you have never been convicted of a felony or indictable offense (or crime of similar severity), a sex crime, or any crime involving violence, and that you are not required to register as a sex offender with any state, federal or local sex offender registry.



Your Account

To use Confidate, you may sign in using several ways. For more information regarding the information, we collect from you and how we use it, please consult our Privacy Policy. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials you use to sign up for Confidate, and you are solely responsible for all activities that occur under those credentials. If you think someone has gained access to your account, please immediately contact us.

Modifying the Service and Termination

Confidate, is always striving to improve the Service and bring you additional functionality that you will find engaging and useful. This means we may add new product features or enhancements from time to time as well as remove some features, and if these actions do not materially affect your rights or obligations, we may not provide you with notice before taking them. We may even suspend the Service entirely, in which event we will notify you in advance unless extenuating circumstances, such as safety or security concerns, prevent us from doing so.


ConfiDate’s purpose is to provide safety, security, and added confidence to users who frequently utilize dating apps and online dating to meet new friends and romantic partners. Important features such as the instant emergency service using voice recognition, emergency GPS tracking, and photo/video verification will need access to the mobile phone. Users are recommended to allow mobile phone access to the microphone, camera, GPS location, and photo gallery. Otherwise, the main features of the application will not be properly activated.

Safety Policy

We take the safety, security and the well-being of our users very seriously. We are continuously exploring new updates, partnerships and technologies to enhance and inform our safety efforts while fostering a respectful environment for our users. We offer safety tips, both online and via the app, to educate and empower users to make smart and safe choices while interacting on ConfiDate.


We take the issue of fraud very seriously at Confidate. We have a zero-tolerance policy on predatory behavior of any kind. Ultimately, no one, whether they met while using Confidate or not, should ever send money to someone they have not met in person. In addition, we encourage our members to report any individual who has requested financial information. Those two steps will greatly assist in stopping almost every scam in its tracks and help protect the next potential victim.

Data Privacy and Platform Security

Our users’ privacy is a top priority at Confidate, and we work diligently to ensure that we go above and beyond applicable privacy laws and industry standards. We know that your time on the app is a private matter and have strict policies and technical systems in place, including encryption for user photos and messages and tools that restrict employee access to user communications and other user data.


Safety Tips Online Safety

Never Send Money or Share Financial Information. Never send money, especially over wire transfer, even if the person claims to be in an emergency. Wiring money is like sending cash — it is nearly impossible to reverse the transaction or trace where the money went. Never share information that could be used to access your financial accounts. If another user asks you for money, report it to us immediately. Protect Your Personal Information. Never share personal information, such as your social security number, home or work address, or details about your daily routine (e.g., that you go to a certain gym every Monday) with people you do not know. If you are a parent, limit the information that you share about your children on your profile and in early communications. Avoid sharing details such as your children’s names, where they go to school, or their ages or genders.

Report all suspicious and offensive behavior:
➢ Requests for money or donations
➢ Underage users
➢ Harassment, threats, and offensive messages
➢ Inappropriate or harmful behavior during or after meeting in person
➢ Fraudulent profiles
➢ Spam or solicitation including links to commercial websites or attempts to sell products or services.

You can report any concerns about suspicious behavior from any profile page or messaging window here. For more information, check out our safety Guidelines.

Safety Guidelines

Everyone is held to the same standard on ConfiDate. We are asking you to be considerate, think before you act, and abide by our safety guidelines both on and offline. Below is a list of our safety policies. If you violate any of these policies, you might be banned from Confidate. We encourage you to report any behavior that violates our policies.

Nudity and Sexual Content: Confidate does not allow nudity or sexual content. Confidate does not condone sexually explicit language. Harassment: Reports of stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation are taken very seriously.

Violence and Physical Harm: We do not tolerate violent, graphic, or gory content on ConfiDate, or any actions or content that advocate for or threaten violence of any sort, including threatening or promoting terrorism. Physical assault any acts of violence are strictly prohibited. Content that advocates for or glorifies suicide or self-harm is also not allowed. In these situations, we may take several steps to assist the user, including reaching out with crisis resources. Please refer to our resources for further assistance with crisis situations.

Hate Speech: Any content that promotes, advocates for, or condones racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence against individuals or groups based on factors like (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity is not allowed.

Prostitution and Trafficking: Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in your account being banned from Confidate. Minors: You must be 18 years of age or older to use Confidate. As such, we do not allow images of unaccompanied minors. If you want to post photos of your children, please make sure that you are in the photo as well. If you see a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, encourages harm to a minor, or depicts a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it immediately.

Cookies Policy

Confidate is committed to protecting your privacy. We aim to provide trustworthy, industry-leading products and services so that you can focus on having a confident and secure dating and social life. Our approach to privacy is to provide you with clear information about our data practices. That is why we have tried to keep legal and technical jargon to a minimum. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, what types of cookies are placed on your device when you visit our website and how we use them. This Cookie Policy does not address how we deal with your personal information generally. To learn more about how we process your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are sent to or accessed from your device’s memory. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain (internet location) from which the cookie originated, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e., when it expires) and a randomly generated unique number or similar identifier. A cookie also may contain information about your device, such as user settings, browsing history and activities conducted while using our services.  

First party and third-party cookies: There are first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are placed on your device directly by us. For example, we use first-party cookies to adapt our website to your browser’s language preferences and for better understanding. Third-party cookies are placed on your device by our partners and service providers. What do we use cookies for? Like most providers of online services, we use cookies to provide, secure and improve our services, including by remembering your preferences, recognizing you and personalizing and tailoring ads to your interests. To accomplish these purposes, we also may link information from cookies with other personal information we hold about you.

Privacy Policy and Our Commitment to You

At Confidate, your privacy is a top priority. We appreciate that you put your trust in us when you provide us with your information, and we do not take this lightly. We involve experts from various fields, including legal, security, engineering, product design and others to make sure that no decision is taken without respect to your privacy. We strive to be transparent in how we process your data. Because we use many of the same online services you do, we know that insufficient information and overly complicated language are common issues in privacy policies. We take the exact opposite approach – we have written our Privacy Policy and related documents in plain language. We want you to read our policies and understand our privacy practices! We work hard to keep your information secure, and constantly update our security practices and invest in our security efforts to enhance the safety of your information. This Privacy Policy applies to apps, events and other services operated by Confidate. For simplicity, we refer to all of these as our “services” in this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

We gather some basic information from you to help you create a solid profile. We also collect information generated as you use our services, for example access logs, as well as information from third parties, like when you access our services through a social media account.

Information you give us: When you create an account, you provide us with at least your login credentials, as well as some basic details necessary for the service to work, such as your gender and date of birth. When you complete your profile, you can share with us additional information, such as details about your personality, lifestyle, interests, and other details about you, as well as content such as photos and videos. To add certain content, like pictures or videos, you may allow us to access your camera or photo album. Some of the information you choose to provide us may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in certain jurisdictions, for example your racial or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs. By choosing to provide this information, you consent to our processing of that information.


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